
QtD [07/09/09]

Worrying is something that can be good and bad....usually bad tho. It's good to "worry" about doing well in school & keeping those grades up. It's good to worry about keeping your body in shape in order to maximize your potential for good health. It's good to worry about managing time properly in order to get done what you need to do. Worrying is fine when it's over something beneficial to yourself that is in your control. I always tell people to stop worrying about the things they CAN'T control & just make what they CAN control go in a positive way. Putting bad ideas in your head don't do NOTHiNG for you. THiNK GOOD THOUGHTS.

"Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere." - Glenn Turner

That's real.



  1. Praying....aint a bad thing either! Leave what you cant control to GOD!


  2. I agree with "ssd" ma! Bu this quote is very true and i kno thats something i personally have 2 wok on.
