

Jordan Brand has previously released two sneakers of the ".5" edition, mixing elements of two consecutive Jordans into one shoe. Those sneakers were the 12.5s [Xii's & Xiii's] & the 2.5s [ii's & iii's]. The next pair to come out will be the 16.5s, which blend the XVi's & XVii's together. In total, it looks more like the XVi's with the black patent leather toe, tongue, and heel, the mesh on the sides. However, there are recognizable traits of the XVii's, such as, the eyelets and the toe section of the midsole. These are some hot kicks & are expected to drop in November. Jordan did something right with these ones. FRESH!

1 comment:

  1. HEHE....i LOVE these ones. So cutesy cutesy!
